Frequently Asked Questions & Answers 

Business plan for the Glas House Glas House business plan keys on rent collections from 5 suites, public access space and completing a 6th suite.

Kitchen at the Glas House – The public access space at the Glas House has kitchen equipment and the Health inspector is supportive of a community hall rental concept with the use of licensed caterers for food services if the venue is rented to interested parties.

Mandate of the Foundation and Glas House – Hythe & District Pioneer Homes Foundation mandate is directly related to social and community purposes and it is not specifically targeted to seniors. Glas House is owned by the Foundation.

Maintenance of the Glas House – Operational resources and contracted resources are used to maintain Glas House because the Foundation and the Advisory Committee are related corporate entities and the Foundation has no direct paid operational staff of its own.

Deficits what happens? Operational deficits can be a reality for both the Foundation and Advisory Committee corporate entities. Both corporate entities are non-profits and on-going sustainability is always a challenge. 

Work completed on the Glas House –The Glas House is owned by the Foundation and there is no requirement to put work up for bid. In retrospect, the project as a whole with proper plans and specifications in place -should have been put out to tender. Sealed bids were solicited for components of the work completed at the Glas House and contracts were awarded in accordance with this process for the work where bids were received. 

Rental business -The Hythe & District Pioneer Homes Advisory Committee has been a housing management body since 1995 and manages rental units prescribed in Appendix A of the ministerial order. Prior to 1995 and from its inception as a Society, the Hythe & District Pioneer Homes has always been in the business of renting to seniors along with the supportive services required for aging in community. 

Underage age clients -Hythe Pioneer Home supportive living The Hythe Pioneer Home 86 unit supportive living unit facility has a number of residents who are not yet age 65. In regards to living at the Hythe Pioneer Home ( medical clinic and pharmacy on site, Home Care 24/7); age is not a factor and existing community resources are in place to help with services and supports needed for functional independence. 

Present status of Pioneer Place, completion date? -Pioneer Place press releases approved by Alberta Health are posted in the Pioneer Home for public viewing and on our website. Board of the Hythe & District Pioneer Homes Advisory Committee is advocating to Government ministries for the completion of the Pioneer Place project. A final completion date is not known at this point in time, 

Supervision of the Pioneer Place project when it goes forward -The Pioneer Place project will require project management resources including a local qualified carpentry resource and presence – to ensure completion and building code requirements are met. 

FAQ -Maintenance 

Maintenance plans and budgets – Operational budgets and capital budgets are submitted to the government annually for a three year time frame as per Ministry requirements. 

Improvements to senior’s self-contained unitsResidents who have an appropriate skill set can make improvements to units because function and lifespan of the units is enhanced; if this preference is expressed and financial resources or contributions by others, are adequate to meet the needs of the project. In all other circumstances, maintenance resources for turnovers and improvements are limited to the operational monies available; and capital projects approved by the government. 

Maintenance issues -work orders are initiated by calling the Pioneer Home and identifying the problem. If it is an emergency issue (no heat, flooding, etc.); the issue is fast tracked to a contractor or the maintenance manager through individuals who are on call. 

Maintenance staffing -Maintenance staff (2 primary) are highly skilled and have a broad range of experience and knowledge. Operational resources may include seasonal staff and special purposes staffing; i.e. -turnovers and painting. 

Snow removal -operational resources are limited and snow removal plans are shared with residents each year, Seniors and others in independent senior’s self-contained units can ask family or other community resources for assistance if more immediate assistance is required. An annual meeting / supper is held with our seniors self-contained tenants and the snow removal plan is discussed at this meeting. Residents, visitors and guests to the senior’s self-contained units are asked to exercise caution 

and discretion in the winter; when melts and icing can occur. 

Other questions 

Fund development monies from pub nights or dine and dance nights are for expenditures with a resident benefit. Monies receipted by way of charitable donations from memorials or other donations will be flowed to the Hythe Pioneer Home if requested. Our accounting firm has advised that it is best that donations under $5,000 should be viewed as non-designated funds. 

Casino monies are spent in accordance with “current use of proceeds” expenditure listing approved. 

Other fund raising monies expenditures -The Glas House (Hythe’s first hospital) was a part of the campus of care concept and the relocation of this facility and subsequent renovations are a part of the Pioneer Place project initiative. 


Positions are listed internally first and externally if there are no qualified candidates. CAO position is advertised publicly. 

An organizational chart does not list all staff because it keys on defining areas of responsibility. 


Governance of the Hythe Pioneer Homes Operational issues including staffing are managed by the CAO. The CAO works closely with the Board Chair and provides updates to the Board Chair. In like manner, the Board Chair manages the affairs of the Board and provides updates and clarifications to the CAO. The Hythe Pioneer Home is a licensed supportive living facility and is reviewed annually. The 2019 Monitoring and Licensing Visit Summary notes that “documentation was reviewed, the accommodation and grounds were toured and it was noted that the site is kept clean and well maintained… During the inspections, ..conversations with 13 residents and 4 staff were held…. Most residents indicted that they are pleased with the services they receive on site…. The accommodation is in compliance with RFCA and 1 non compliance. The noncompliance issue was corrected within two weeks and it pertained to providing proof showing industrial zoning. 

Information requests and questions not answered -In accordance with Management Body Operation and Administration regulations, the management body must withhold information if there are issues that are subject to obligations of confidence, the disclosure of which would: 

(i) (ii) 

Likely prejudice the future supply of similar information or advice, Likely prejudice the management body’s ability to carry out its activities or negotiations, Place board members or employees of the management body at risk of improper pressure or harassment, Breach legal professional privilege, or Prejudice measures protecting health and safety; 


In like manner, the regulations noted similar nondisclosure areas for commercial information if it is likely to prejudice the management body’s ability to carry out its activities or negotiations, or allow the information to be used for improper gain or advantage; 

Relevant legislation impacting on the assessment of information requests and operations and affecting operations: 

  • Harassment and bullying legislation for the protection of workers.
  • Resident family council act legislation
  • Protection for persons in care legislation
  • Social housing regulations